Sunday, July 2, 2023

July month seven of twelve

It's summer-ing the summer. 

Twin Cities Improv Festival 2023 was joyous and lovely. We are the luckiest, and thank you so to those who work so incredibly hard to make it happen. Holy crap. I performed with Give the Drummer Some, and got to see some incredible incredible folks. 

Summer is officially begun: the first summer camp of the year has been taught (Sketch comedy for 7-12th grader... AHHHHAHAHAHAH. Did you know that the Lorax was a formative movie for those currently aged 13-18? I DID NOT.). 

Our list of sketches:
note the two about funerals and old people

Hopefully July will work! Teaching summer camp in a pandemic/post-pandemic era is a moving target. 

Performance-wise, there ain't much, and that's okay! Got to do an open mic this last week, and might try for a couple more before August hits. As once August hits, it's nothing, and then September comes thumping in with all the things. #school #show? #directing #allthethings

Hoping your summer months are beautiful, that the fireworks are not too loud, and that this country expands the Supreme Court because ALLTHETHINGS. 

Love and onward. 

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