Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 2025... All things considered

All things considered. Things are overwhelming and a lot. There are amazing people being incredible and brave. There is panic. There are moments of absolute hope. There are moments of everything else. 

I love you and I hope you're finding ways. We're human. Even if there are those who aren't acting like it. 


Nudge at the BLB was an immense amount of fun. The first two There's a Crack in Everythings were absolutely joyful. Bring Your Kids! is fantastic, and made fantastic by YOU, the awesome audience. Our Love Will Haunt This House at Strike came together in a sweet and lovely way and now Angelique, Rachel, and I are SILLY ASSHOLE TOWN POPULATION 3. (And if I have the name wrong, they will save my sorry hide and I am grateful.) 

Sam and I also go to do Morningside After Dark for the first time. The talent in this town is wild. 


* I'll be doing my solo musical piece, 5 Music Videos, at Soda Pop Improv on Saturday March 8th, 2 p.m. at much beloved Cadenza Music!

* I'll be playing music at the Malcolm Yards Pay Gap Comedy Hour, Wednesday March 12th, 7 p.m. show! 

Scott, Simondet, and Roberts Play the Eagles. I'm so excited for this.  Original music, us doin' stuff. Please watch as the instruments shrink throughout the night. Thursday March 13th, 7 p.m.


* The last There's a Crack in Everything on the books is Saturday March 15th and is f-ing stacked. Featuring stories by Jim Robinson (TableSalt Productions), MJ Matheson (Bearded Company), and Taj Ruler (Everything!), with music by Bianca Bee Davis (Melancholics Anonymous) and Sylvia Dieken!

* Butch and I will be Adorable-ing at the Bryant Lake Bowl, a monthly situation. Our first is Wednesday March 19th, 6 p.m. doors/7 p.m. show and we're excited. Special guest TBA! Tickets here!

*Bring Your Kids! at the Bryant Lake Bowl on March 8th (2 p.m. Doors/3 p.m. show!) and at Cadenza on March 22nd!

Good stuff! 

I hope you're finding space to breath and connect. Be in community. Stave away the panic. Stand up and say no. You are great. It's a lot. And we're here. 


Thursday, February 6, 2025


It's awful hard to breathe when any glimpse outward results in an encroachment of panic. 

You are wonderful and I love you. 



There's a Crack in Everything had it's Resource debut! And it was a SALON. So lovely. So many thanks to Butch Roy, Mary Jo Pehl, and One800LiveMusic for absolute beauty. 

BRING YOUR KIDS! returned to the Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater and Cadenza Music - don't sleep on St. Paul!

I got to sing some songs at Leslie Vincent's Cabaret Open Gym... So many thanks to Leslie and the amazing performers she's collected!

Still facilitating memoir classes through COMPAS, and also running my own.. It's been lovely.  COMPAS also has me administering their annual Emerging Young Artists show (i.e. DATA ENTRY!) and it's been delightful seeing the art come through. 

Anna Solfest and I are curating and facilitating Wellness and Creativity workshops up in St. Croix Falls - free and for all ages!

February: YOU GOT BUSY! In between the panic about EVERYTHING AND BEING IN A COUP, if you'd like to come see a show, we'll keep making shows until we need to stop. 

A comedy-variety show for kids and their grown ups. 
Saturday February 8th, 3 p.m. 
Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater, 810 W Lake St, Mpls: 
Saturday February 15th, 2 p.m. 
Cadenza Music, 149 N Snelling Ave, St Paul: Tickets!

A weekly NUDGE!
In celebration of the most awkward of holidays, veteran improv group Nudge has FEEEELINGS.
Saturdays at 7 p.m. 

A bit of improv and storytelling and song... 
A performance celebrating the joys and pains and all the elements of love. 
Friday Feb. 14th, 7:30 p.m.
Strike Theater, 824 18th Ave NE, Minneapolis. Tickets!

A bit of storytelling and song and CINEMA... 
An evening of local storytelling and music. 
Saturday February 15th, 7 p.m.
Saturday March 15th, 7 p.m. 
Resource, 512 E 24th St, Mpls: Tickets!

Local live music and storytelling. 
Monday Feb. 24th, 7:30 p.m.
Morningside Hills UCC,4201 Morningside Road, Edina.

I'm still writing about improv and crap here. Again, until we need to stop. 

Also we're moving out of our sweet house. It's a lot. We are very lucky and oh man.. it's been very very good to us. Ah. 

Authoritarians hate joy. Don't forget to play and breath and here we go. LOVE.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

JANUARY 2025! um. Happening.

Happy holidays! Hoping the season is gentle and good for you and your's. 

December has been all about planting seeds. But with some extra on top!

BRING YOUR KIDS! MY GOB! That was a lot of Bring Your Kids! And thankfully so! We had three shows: one at the Bryant Lake Bowl (swoon) and two in St. Paul! So many thanks to Tyler and Matt at 825 Arts, Dan at Cadenza Music, and Jeremie and Jackson at the Bryant Lake Bowl for taking such care of us! Sweetness all around! 

I did some time up in Anoka at the Anoka Middle School for the Arts, playing with 6th graders. Thanks to COMPAS, Jolanda, and every teacher there! Also thanks to Avant Garden and their wifi. 

Also through COMPAS, I also started memoir class at Kensie - St. Anthony. We had to take a short break cuz middle school, and I'm excited to get back to them!

My teen improv group finished up our seven sessions and had their showcase on December 15th - - AND THEY DID SO GREAT! 

January. LFG.

 - I'm helping run some Arts and Wellness classes up at the St. Croix Falls Public Library, made possible through a collaboration between theSt. Croix Falls Public Library and the Center for Creativity and Public Health.. Details here

 - Bring Your Kids! at the Bryant Lake Bowl on Jan. 11th and Cadenza Music on Jan. 18th!

 - There's a Crack in Everything returns!! So excited! We'll be at Resource, a beautiful space in South Minneapolis. January's show features 1-800-Music and other beautifuls. 

 - I'll be playing some of my ukulele tunes at Cabaret Open Gym on Monday Jan. 13th, hosted by the amazing Leslie Vincent

 - Maybe teaching some middle school improv through Children's Theatre Company

 - I'm teaching a Flash Memoir class at Crow's Feet Studio, starting Tuesday Jan. 7th. It's gonna be so lovely. Join us if you can

 - I'm helping organize COMPAS's Emerging Young Artists Gallery show! 

Finally, I started a substack. No one asked for this. But if you'd like some thoughts on Improv or Art-Making (and so many lists), it's here. 

I hope you and your's are well, and finding ways to take care of oneself and those dear. Happy New Year's, love. We can.  

Saturday, November 30, 2024

December 2024... and here we are

Hi loves!

We did it! We did November... and it was a lot. And heartbreaking. And all of the worry and grief. And, folks are moving to What Next mode.. and there's a lot of instructions on how to do that. It's rough. And we have to. 

It feels weird to talk about art and career stuff in these moments. And we still get to do these things. AND SHOULD.

Bring Your Kids! is at the Bryant Lake Bowl! We sold out! It was VERY SILLY. Thank you to everyone who came and we can't wait to do it again!

I got to perform for Alison and Marlowe's Retirement Show from Strike Theater!

And then it was a lot of planting seeds. Brainstorming and reaching out and chatting and that part is so so good.

December has a bit more to it, as December usually does.

Bring Your Kids has an action packed month!

- Saturday November 30th at 825 Arts!

- Saturday December 7th at Cadenza Music!

- Saturday December 14th at the Bryant Lake Bowl!

- Saturday December 21st at 825 Arts!  


I've been teaching a 7 week Teen Improv workshop, and we're nearing the end. So grateful to Sandra for organizing it all, to Normandale Hyland Methodist Church for the space, and these brilliant teens for making me laugh. Our showcase is on Dec. 16th, and they're going to rock it.

I'm working with the wonderful Anna Solfest, creating Wellbeing for Everyone programming for the St. Croix Falls public library through June 2025. So many thanks to Danette McCarthy, Su with the SCFPL, and Center for Creativity & Public Health. More info to come!

I'm helping put together COMPAS's Emerging Young Artist's juried art show! More info to come!

Through COMPAS, I'm back at Anoka Middle School for the Arts, and also starting a memoir class for residents of Walker Methodist - Kensie. 

I'll be back at Children's Theatre Company, teaching middle schoolers, if you have a middle schooler! I'll be removing every box and extraneous object from the classroom before class*! 

I'm offering a Flash memoir class starting Tuesdays in January! Please join us! 

I started a substack! No one asked for this! 

In stupid news, I turned my phone into a Tap to Pay thingie! It only took this long! #CAPITALISM!

I hope you are well, and finding some Joy and Direction? Support? Community? Clarity? Softness? Time? in this season. It's hard, for me, to forget that January is around the corner, with whatever that may bring. Get small, get spite-ful, get full of love. LET'S FUCKING GO, indeed, loves. 

Sending so much love out to you. <3 

Just a seventh grader from ValleyView. 
*The number of middle schoolers that want to hide in boxes! IF THEY SORT OF FITS, THEY SITS. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Wild Times oh November

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hoping it was charming; Minnesota piled big wet galumphing clumps of wet cold, which melted by trick or treat time. A couple of full size candy bars were procured. Good stuff. 

October has been a thing! 

 - Finishing up classes at HUGE. :( 

 - Finished a class at STRIKE! And what a class it was!

 - Will finish my session with JFCS (postponed for plague reasons) through COMPAS

 - Sang two songs at Tablesalt Production's fundraiser, Songs of Power, Protest, and Joy! A beautiful night! (LOOK AT THIS PICTURE. IGNORE ME. THESE ARE THREE OF THE FUNNIEST AND MOST TALENTED HUMANS AROUND. SEE THEM EVERY CHANCE YOU GET, SILLIES!)

 - TRICK! Ran a "Creating a Play" MEA workshop for 4th and 5th graders at Children's Theatre, which was honestly lovely. EXCEPT FOR SOME CHILD GIVING ME THE COVID PLAGUE.  

 - TREAT! Got to play music for Melancholics Anonymous fundraiser at Art House North, and 'am so incredibly grateful. What a show, what an incredibly generous audience, what a beautiful sounding venue... here's my whole heart!

 - Adorable rides again!!  Butch totally Adorable'd at Minne-melange. I was sick, and I'm still jealous. 

 - Put together an anthology for the folks at Tasks Unlimited through COMPAS. When it's printed, I'll tell you all about it, promise.  

 - Started Teen Improv classes down in Bloomington. So many thanks to Sandra for the plotting and planning. Here we go!

 - I turned 49! Whatta thing! I got to see my parasocial best friend, Mike Birbiglia, at the State Theater. He's doing well. (And absolutely found myself missing the cozy conversation of his podcast. How dare he perform and do his job, and DO IT WELL? Weird times.) 

 - Oh! That commercial I shot in Sioux Falls last December is up! Behold! And hire SDN Communications, who are amazing folk and took such care of us!


Bring Your Kids! is now at the Bryant Lake Bowl AND 825 Arts in St Paul! INDEED! We will now only play venues who's address starts with an 8! So incredibly excited for all of the silliness. Info and tickets at Bring Your Kids!

And that's about all, currently, for performance. Realizing that November might be a bit of a OrganizePlotAndPlan month, which will honestly speed by, and then drop off into December. The plotting and planning ain't gonna scheme itself. 

Take care of yourself, loves. See you in December. 


Monday, September 30, 2024


Tomorrow.. It's a beautiful month. 

Today's high is, like, mid80s... so we'll have snow for Halloween. 

September! All things started. 

School started! Both kids spent time sick, but seem to be generally OK with all of the changes. 

I started some programs for COMPAS with the Memory Café at Jewish Family and Children's Services and with Park View Day Program up in Buffalo. (Dear world, please know that the shiniest HyVee resides in Plymouth, MN AND NOW I'M DATING THE PLYMOUTH HYVEE. PROB'BLY GONNA MARRY IT.)

Classes started at HUGE and Strike

And planning started. Let us plan. 

I got to do a couple of wonderful one-offs: so many thanks to Mary Jo Pehl and her Garage for the Performing Arts! So many thanks to Sam for joining me! And so many thanks to Jim and Dennis of Tablesalt Productions, and letting me be a part of their "Love in the Time of Democracy" improv workshop. Just a dream. 

October... will be what it will be. 

HUGE closes at the end of this month. Going to teach there feels so.. tender, until the class actually starts. Then, it's just breathing and joy again. Still so sad. 

Bring Your Kids! will be at HUGE Saturday Oct. 12th at 4 p.m.... and then moving back to the Bryant Lake Bowl in November! This last show is stacked! Z Puppets Roseschnoz! Billy from the Jolly Pops! WHUT!? Tickets here! 

I get to play some original spooky songs at Melancholics Anonymous' S'More S'Melancholics: a Firelit Fundraiser on Saturday Oct. 19th at the Art House North in St Paul - - so excited!

I get to sing a song at Tablesalt Production's annual fundraiser on Wednesday Oct. 9th at the Black Forest Inn in Minneapolis. The theme is “Songs of POWER, PROTEST and JOY!" Lovely!

I turn 49 years on the 20th, which is the SAME DAY that Mike Birbiglia is performing in Minneapolis. My parasocial relationship continues, but in real time! I also (somehow) have tickets to Jay Jurden and Julio Torres!? GOOD LORD. (Also, Rita and I have tickets to be in the same room with children book author, artist, and Irishman Oliver Jeffers. This is honestly pretty lovely.) 

I also get to take a night fully off and go do a cabin thing. Just me and a ukulele. And maybe a drum machine. A book. A television program. WHO KNOWS. 

In news of THIS WAS THE 1990s, this movie turned 30?! years old. Priscilla Queen of the Desert (not without its problematic content, certainly.) was a family favorite. We were a Time Bandits family, a Northern Exposure family, a Newhart family, a Hill Street Blues family, and a Priscilla Queen of the Desert family. As my mom would say, "It's a neat flic." (Hugo Weaving! Guy Pearce! Terence Stamp! sigh.) 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I'll see you....

I've started this blog a couple of times. 

There's been some hard stuff: final decisions have been pushed through. HUGE Theater will close at the end of October. 

Not speaking for the whole community, but the folks I've connected with - - we're all in mourning. Stuck in the grief, AND so grateful for 2 more months of this very precious play space. In gratitude, and it's such a goddamn bummer. 

I keep telling myself, "This is the dirt... The flowers will grow." But oh man, we loved that dirt. Scrappy and lucky and we're all sad. 


 - Got to teach at HUGE's Summer Intensive and THEY WERE JUST INCREDIBLE! 

 - I played the Uptown Porchfest and it was goddamn dreamy. 

 - I was a guest at Pants on Fire at the Minnesota Fringe Festival. Congrats to Sarah!

 - I went to my 30th High School Reunion. #bwahahahahah I am grateful for the smart, funny, and kind humans who talked to me, were kind enough to have dinner together before, who bought me a shot, and 'am utterly impressed on how those old social strata are still at play. (I'm learning that maybe the culture of I went to high school in was a scooch toxic? In the 90s?! WHA???) To the gentleman who told me, "Hey! You aged great!"... that charmed the heck out of me. :) <3 

 - I got written about in my hometown paper! 

 - My family went to Duluth and it was dreamy. Oh Duluth, your lake eats ships and your mansion murders people, but boy, you are a lovely place to visit. 

And September is here!

 - Bring Your Kids returns on Saturday September 14th!

 - I'm part of an Improv Workshop called Love in the Time of Democracy for TableSalt Productions on September 25th. What guidelines for improv are also 

 - I'm teaching a Low and Slow improv workshop at Strike Theater on Wednesday September 18th! 

 - Teaching begins at Strike, HUGE, maybe Children's Theatre Company, and a couple COMPAS projects begin. 

 - And maybe some teen improv?! If you have a teen who's curious about improv, come join us! Classes starting in October!

 - I'll be singing songs as Penny and the Bandits (joined by the incredible Samantha Baker Harris) at Mary Jo Pehl's Garage for the Performing Arts on September 28th! Email maryjopehl//gmail for tickets! :) 

And now planning planning planning... Future thinking and throwing fishing lines. What's a good fit, what sticks? Move forward with love. <3