Friday, May 31, 2024

Juney June June

What a funny collection of days... 

There are three things I have NOT BEEN FINISHING as they seem untenable. Or I got exhausted. I need to either finish them or let them go. WHUF. 

Things of May:

 - Flowering trees

 - Allergies kicking everyone's assssss

 - The overwhelming grief of things that words don't, can't, even give definition to. 

 - And the gratitude for who and what is around. 

I am hating the compartmentalization of social media: as my counselor says, it's a tool (and a tool that I don't have to carry constantly. And, honestly, can't. The immediate squaring off of 3 seconds of ultimate tragedy followed by a funny frog video - - I can't.)

But.. things that have happened here... 

 - Nudge at HUGE Theater. We''ll be there Thursdays through the end of June, and we are having true true fun. If you're in the Twin Cities, please come see these dreams. We play things pretty close to 'real' life (think sitcom-ish)... "grounded".. but also, ridiculous. Like people. 

 - COMPAS: started facilitating a memoir series with an amazing group at Tasks Unlimited, and also got to do weekly MAKE THINGS sessions with Central Park Elementary in Roseville. The theater games were a struggle bus; we switched to making masks, helmets, and multiple puppets. I had so much fun. 

 - MILE/MLA conference! I LOVE LIBRARIANS. And what a joy to work with this incredible group. I faciliated their 'ice-breaking' session through a mix of improv exercises and flash memoir writing - - it truly was the most fun. 

 - Tablesalt's fundraiser was lovely!

 - Minneapolis Songwriter Rounds! So many thanks to Taylor for having me again! 

And now June. June gets choppy. School years finish up. Camps start. My family starts to travel to see far away family. 

 - COME SEE NUDGE! All Thursdays through June, except... 

 - THE TWIN CITIES IMPROV FESTIVAL! W000t!!!! IMPROV XMAS! XMAS JOY! I'll be performing with Give the Drummer Some, Attenborough, and Adorable. June 12th - 16th, all at HUGE Theater. 

 - And, of course, BRING YOUR KIDS on June 8th!

June also involves a bit of seeing other people perform: I get to see Choir! Choir! Choir! at First Avenue... Twin Cities Improv Festival... I get to see Madeleine Rowe's Knight Knight... this is good stuff. Last month, I was able to catch two (gasp!) live scripted shows, which is 200% more than the month before. Add in a live concert or two, and it all becomes very fancy very quick. 

I just finished chaperoning five fifth grade boys at the Minnesota Zoo for over 4 hours. 

I may need a bit of a moment.


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